AOSTL Productions focuses on creating distinctively original, compelling, and thoroughly unique (feel-good) content. We tell the stories of independent creatives by giving them not only a platform but also a voice to share their unique stories. Helmed by founder Donna Jones and in partnership with executive producer Marla Winston, we ideate, develop, and showcase innovative storytelling and series concepts, offering the best selection of high-quality original programming across all platforms.
The Drop Network visionary and founder, Donna Jones, is an independent content producer who wanted to create a space for herself and other creatives to bring their original programming to fruition. Having been met with challenges from the large conglomerate studios when launching her own productions, Jones was determined to forge a path for herself to produce original and compelling content while simultaneously offering other creatives a home to help produce their quality content. Thus, Donna’s The Drop Network was born, which provides a new pathway to view and stream content from an array of creatives across a wide variety of original stories.
“Every dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”
~ Harriet Tubman
DONNA JONES is an experienced and award-winning show host, producer, and executive producer who is founder and CEO of AOSTL Productions, which specializes in creating original and entertaining content.
Throughout her career, she has consistently interviewed some of the most popular and recognizable celebrities in the industry.
Formerly an on-air personalities at ABC-TV WJLA Channel 8’s “Let’s Talk Live” in Washington DC as well as host of her featured series, “Up and Coming with Donna Jones” on CTV Network in the nation’s capital, Jones also hosted “Donna Jones Live” on the CW Network’s DCW50 and was a contributor for TMZ.
Currently, Jones is creator and host of the popular weekly lifestyle interview series “L.A CONVERSATIONS” airing on The Drop Network in which she chats with and highlights top celebrity talent as well as fast-rising Los Angeles-based entrepreneurs across entertainment.
Donna Jones has had the pleasure of interviewing some of Hollywood’s top talents in the entertainment industry.
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